Amazon Adventure


R$ 5.761,80


R$ 4.911,50


R$ 4.548,50


6 days & 5 nights

This package is aimed for adventurers seeking immersion in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, most activities require some physical effort, for this reason the 6 days/ 5 nights is recommended for people who are physically and psychologically prepared for the famous "Jungle Survival" experience.

We do not carry this package with children!


Lodging in a camp with hammocks;
Physical activities;
Survival skills in the wilderness;
Traditional fishing;
Methods for establishing shelter in the jungle.

What's included

The activities will be realized in three different locations

Ecossistemas explored during the expeditions


At 8 AM, we will depart from the hotel in Manaus to embark on our expedition to the Mamori river. Our journey will take us to the port of Ceasa, where we will board a speedboat headed towards the Encontro das Águas, the confluence of the Negro and Solimões rivers, which flow alongside each other for kilometers before merging to create the majestic Amazon River.

Our expedition will proceed towards the village of Careiro da Várzea, where the route transitions to land (van or minibus) via BR-319, the highway linking Manaus to Porto Velho. Along this route, our explorers will undoubtedly be captivated by the breathtaking scenery, rivers, canals, Vitorias Régias (aquatic plant), birds, and small communities encountered en route.

  • Welcome Drinks;
  • Information and check in;
  • Lunch.

At 12 PM, anticipated arrival at the support base: Amazon Mureru Lodge, Check-In, and familiarization with the lodge’s amenities.

At 12:30 PM, lunch will be provided, featuring a delectable buffet showcasing the tastes of
Amazonian cuisine.

After lunch, take a stroll to discover the area surrounding the lodge. Receive guidance from the instructor regarding the daily schedule, planned activities, and day-to-day itinerary for surviving in the jungle.

At 7:30 PM, dinner will be served at Amazon Mureru Lodge – Shortly after, the adventurers will

Feel free to relax and savor the comfort of the lodge, as tomorrow our journey through the Amazon jungle will commence bright and early.

Following breakfast, we will leave Amazon Mureru Lodge in motorized canoes bound for Tracajá Lake, where we will establish our initial camp, named TAPIRI, constructed with wood, vines, and palm leaves. The camp will be positioned on the river’s edge, enabling easy access to all planned activities during our stay. Given that rivers are the primary mode of transportation in this region, lunch will be prepared caboclo style, featuring freshly roasted fish on the riverbank:

  • In the afternoon, we will navigate the river routes in our canoes;
  • Recognition of areas to search for sustenance including fish, fruit, and water;
  • Nocturnal excursion to observe jungle sounds and animal behaviors nocturnal;
  • Initially, spend the night at the camp in our hammocks protected by mosquito nets;
  • Stirred by myriad sounds from the Amazon rainforest.

At 5:30 AM, depart early to witness the first light of day, the stunning dawn in the Amazon
rainforest, and observe the awakening of birds and various diurnal animals. Afterwards, head
back to camp for a delightful breakfast in the jungle.

  • Hiking in the jungle;
  • Survival skills in the wilderness;
  • Explanation provided by the guide regarding the Amazonian Fauna and Flora;
  • Return to the camp for lunch.

In the afternoon, engage in fishing activities to utilize local fishing methods for securing dinner.

Following breakfast, the guide will lead our explorers on a jungle trek to areas beyond the main camp. The entire day will be devoted to enabling everyone to explore diverse environments spanning from the primary forest to the secondary forest.

  • Explore the amazonian wildlife and plant life;
  • Tiny creatures are observable;
  • Reflection on verdant scenery;
  • Bathing in a river;
  • Birdwatching;
  • Reflection on the amazonian sunset.

Return to the camp in the early evening. Prepare dinner, then unwind in our hammocks before the next adventure!.

Breakfast will be followed by a paddle canoe excursion to explore the nearby river channels (Igarapés).
This schedule typically spans a full day, allowing for a return to base for lunch or a stop at a riverside to prepare our meal.

During this tour, there is the potential to observe along the route: Observing scent monkeys, capuchin monkeys, snakes, iguanas, sloths, and groups of porpoises.

Return to Mureru Lodge from camp in the afternoon. Take a break for rest, then after dinner, embark on a night walk to observe nocturnal animals, including spotting alligators.

Breakfast – Enjoy a leisurely morning to unwind and savor the final day of Mamori Survival. Take advantage of the chance to relax on our deck and admire the river view with a beverage.

After lunch, return to Manaus. Depart from the lodge at 1:30 pm, with an anticipated arrival at 5:00 PM, concluding at a hotel in Manaus or the airport.

If you have a flight on the day of departure, we may be able to reschedule it based on the flight time.
Departing after breakfast at 8:30 AM, the arrival at the airport is scheduled for 12:00 PM

Please note that the sequence of tours is subject to change

Serviço de traslado


1. Depending of the flight time, we can bring the transfer forward to 12 noon.

2. The order of tours may change.

Form of payment

Solicitamos 30% antecipado para garantia da reserva e o restante pode ser pago até 15 dias antes do início do pacote.

Aceitamos: PIX, transferência bancária, cartão de crédito (parcelamos em até 3x sem juros o valor total).

Bank data


Agência: 2990
Conta Corrente: 11.064205-1
CNPJ: 45.449.293/0001-27

Cancellation policy

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